2 sided 60ft wall of board painted with anybody and everybody passing through Grantham Town centre that day. The local paper have a video of various event HERE. And you can as always see more stuff on out Facebook page…
Had a superb weekend at the Alford Craft Fair working with everyone who stopped by to create some artwork, particularly like the mash up wall with everyone’s artwork mixed together, take a look at out Facebook page for pictures of this and more. Thank you to the organisers for such a great time in a lovely location…
A 16 foot long Graffiti mural painted this Saturday at the Talent Lincolnshire Event by visiting children and parents…
Painting t-shirts and a 16 foot long mural wall with attending young people and staff at yesterdays Fairplay football even in Sleaford, thanks to all for a very friendly day…
As part of the Friday Night Project we have been working over the last 3 weeks with young people in Market Rasen. During the sessions they have been discussing and designing as well as practising their skills with a spray can. The culmination was a live paint yesterday evening in the market place. Along side our live graffiti demonstration were other young people showing off their skills with live music, BMXing and parkour. More images on our Facebook page and a bit of write up in the Market Rasen Mail…
Another project from a few weeks back, when we worked with Ryton Park Primary School at the Manton Easter Event. The children at the school wanted to highlight graffiti as a positive artform so they had everybody tag the boards and then we made some great artwork from tags, thanks to everyone there who made it such a fun day…
Had a great day at the Sport Relief event in Boston, painting the 16 foot mural with lot’s of the participants, more images on our Facebook page…